JPSW : JwlkPress Studio Workshop

2020-2022 building of studio workshop

4th booklet in series , 38 color pages

first ed.125


store (buy the zine!) - Jwlk/store

instagram - @mhny

instagram - @jwlkpress

twitter - @jwlkpress

lenster - @jwlkpress

PayPal- @jwlkpress

Expanded description:

JPSW zine is my new zine to start out 2023. It is a collection dating between December 2020 and November 2022.

In the Fall of 2020 I took advantage of an opportunity to build a studio workshop on my families home ranch. Our home ranch is located an hour north of Baton Rouge, two hours north of New Orleans in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana in a town named Norwood.

The zine has images of the building of the workshop, some of my initial paintings created during construction and travel sketchbook drawings. The first year was the construction of the workshop. In August of the first year the workshop weathered a direct hit by Hurricane Ida. This past year I have been building up the internal art studio elements including a work sink, three 8’x8’ easels, multiple work tables and storage elements.

I look forward to continue building and creating in 2023, thanks for checking in - Mahoney